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Showing posts from 2016

In Search of Serenity

In my last blog post I spoke about my growing appreciation of history. I also spoke about the relation that history and geography have which is very evident in India. India's history usually starts with the Indus Valley civilization (accurately called as the  Indus-Sarasvati Civilization ). Then it transitions to the emergence and spread of Hinduism. I had already read about this in my school History textbooks. But when I was getting reacquainted with history with a new perspective I realized that I know so little about my own religion. And since a large part of India's history deals with the rise of the Hindu religion, its evolution, the good and the bad elements that crept in, its political nature and so on, I felt that I should start reading about my own religion and get to know it better. Hinduism is a very complex religion to get to know. The sheer school of thoughts that range from one extreme to another and still coexist relatively peacefully makes it hard to study Hin