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Showing posts from August, 2018


I was never a people person Talking to someone always sounded fearsome I remember the recesses when the kids used to play on the playground And I would be sitting near the window Watching them go round and round. Mind you, I wasn't sad I enjoyed my own company People never noticed me And that is how I preferred it to be. But then, nothing ever lasts long How long could I have stayed alone? As the years went by I made some friends to remember me by. They were all good souls Adding to my life some Rock N Roll They became the reasons for the fun I had Maybe, life with friends isn't all that bad? I slowly came out of my shell Realized new things about me as well All the while the friend circle grew The person that was me, was born anew. I could be myself among my friends Laugh, joke and speak utter nonsense It was all in good spirit, they knew No one started a sentence with "People like you..." But maybe along the way I crossed a line som