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Showing posts from August, 2019


When I was studying engineering, we learnt in one of the subjects that a less probable event conveys more information. 'The sun rises in the east' - hmm... ok... everyone knows this... so what? See what I mean, zero information. But when you read 'Click here to know xyz about Nick Priyanka's wedding', now that's information(according to news outlets) since the probability of a common person knowing that xyz is miniscule. [Disclaimer: The subject only dealt with quantity of information. It didn't have any theory on the quality of information.(Although I wish it did, so that I could use it to purge my news feed)]. Anyways, I am writing about probability of events because often in our lives, rare events or one-off moments are the ones which make the most impact. An unplanned trip to Lonavala will be the one of your best outings(despite a lack of candid pics which you pose for). An unexpected act of kindness remains etched in your conscience changing your o