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Showing posts from January, 2020

The Flawed Greats

When I had started writing this, it was part of the previous post . But when I was reviewing that post I felt that this topic should stand on it's own because this is something that I really feel strongly about. So the trigger point for this blog-post was one of my Facebook friend's post about difference between Hinduism and Hindutva. The post was actually tweeted by Shashi Tharoor[1] and she had just shared that post on Facebook. Now this is a very delicate topic and the views differ from night to day depending on your beliefs on the matter, most of which has been shaped by years of reading second-hand, third-hard or nth-hand interpretations of Savarkar's book 'Essentials of Hindutva'[2] or 'Hindutva: Who Is a Hindu?'. I had come across similar posts in the vein of anti-Savarkar from the same friend and had even urged her to read the book herself to form her own opinion. When I had read the book some 6 years back it had offered me clarity on my religion.

The Gray Opinion

We are a generation which has been fortunate to be the most connected in our species' history. The sheer number of platforms available at our fingertips to express ourselves overwhelms me. Maybe that's why I have been content with only Facebook and WhatsApp till now. But I think even that may change now. Nowadays whenever you open Facebook, all you see is people expressing opinions and people getting married. Although I like to do the former and am ready for the latter (just letting the universe know, in case if anyone is interested 😜) it has started becoming a little unhealthy. Now I am not saying that people should stop posting what they think/believe/agree with (or getting married for that matter). With everything going on in our country, there is no dearth of important topics that need to be debated. It's heartening to see people investing themselves in the really important issues pertaining to our country. The generation before us used to read the newspaper and the